Lending Resource

Lending Resource is your source for the best information on personal lending loans and low interest personal loans. Everyone's situation is different and there are many personal lending loans, so it is easy to get confused. We will provide the personal loan resources and information to help prepare yourself in your search for the best personal loans.

The Truth About Car 0% Financing Fees

Many people who are scouring the market for a car have seen an offer for car 0% financing fees at some point. First, someone may consider the deal to be really good, but only if that actually is the interest rate you will receive as a car buyer. The problem is that many advertised 0% […]

Low Mortgage Rate Lending

The housing market may be down, but there are still benefits to buying a home. One of the silver linings in this down housing market is that the low interest rates make it attractive to buy. Interest rates on most mortgage types are at, or near, historic lows. Best Low Mortgage Rates The 30 year […]

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