How to Get a Car Loan with No Credit

Before you can consider getting a car loan with no credit, there are a few steps that you have to go through. These steps can help you be as prepared as possible. The first thing that you need to do is obtain a copy of your credit report. You can get a copy of this at many places. You need to get your credit report so you can check it for any errors. You also need to make sure that nothing has been omitted from the report. If you happen to get a message back that tells you that there is not enough information for your name or your social security number, then any lenders will get the same message. In addition to your credit report, it is good to know and get your credit score too, even if it is low. Knowing your credit score allows you to prepare the proper documentation and not be surprised by the number.

After you have figured out what your credit score is, you need to save enough money for a car down payment. Offering a large down payment is a good way to make sure that you will get a car loan with no credit. It also increases your chances of getting a loan that you can afford to pay off. Cash is king when you have no credit.

Calculate Your Monthly Car Loan Payments

Once you have enough money for a down payment, you will need to figure out how much money you can afford to pay the lenders each month. A good way to figure this out is to calculate all of your transportation costs. This will include all vehicle payments, fuel and toll costs, and repair costs. It should not be any more than ten percent of your current annual income. For example, if you make around three thousand dollars a month, then you should only be able to afford 3,600 a year for all of your vehicle costs.

Next, you will need to get your bank to lend you money. If you do not already have a bank account, you need to set one up. Talk to your bank about a car loan or a line of credit. Discuss your credit history, your assets, your savings, and your income. Be truthful about everything. Ask your bank if they can make a loan. When you get an auto loan from a bank, you will usually receive lower rates than you would receive if you got an auto loan from a car dealership. The other alternative to banks is credit unions where, as a member, you will be offered lower interest rates compared to banks. The final possibility is getting a cosigner to assist you in your loan.

If the bank denies you a car loan and the reason is because of your credit history and score, then you should improve your credit before applying again. Reapplying to the bank  for an auto loan will be easier the second time around because the bank will likely retain your information.

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